Did you know that you can use approved link shortening services to cut the URL clutter of affiliate links? This enables you to share short links and ensure that you're receiving commissions for sales that are tracked from click to completion.


The URL shortening services that are currently permitted are:

  • Bitly (Bit.ly)
  • Hootsuite (Ow.ly)
  • Buffer (Buff.ly)
  • Google Firebase Dynamic Links (FDL), mobile only


All services work in a similar way. Specifically for Bitly, shortening links using the tool will provide you the added benefit of brand recognition: Links from most eBay pages will produce a short link that begins with "ebay.to/".


For example, if you paste the following affiliated link into bitly.com:




it would be shortened to:




The shortened Bitly link is visually appealing, directs your visitors to your desired location and maintains your affiliate tracking. 


We place a high value on the trust and integrity of our network and each of these services was tested to ensure proper attribution. We continue to take redirection and cloaking very seriously, but also acknowledge the importance of URL shorteners, particularly in social promotion.